Basketball has time limits

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By FredrickHobbs

Basketball has time limits

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By FredrickHobbs

Basketball Rules

The length of a Basketball has time limits match. Each quarter lasts 10 minutes. For two quarters, teams play in one direction. Then they switch sides for the next two.

Between the first and second periods, there is a 2-minute break. The third and fourth periods are separated by a 30-second interval. Halftime lasts 15 minutes.

The coach can call three one-minute timeouts during the second half.

When the referee blows his whistle, the clock stops. The clock stops if free throws are being made and restarts when the ball touches any player on court. This gives you 40 minutes of basketball play.

Basketball has time limits

A player who is in possession of a basketball must adhere to five rules:

24-second rule

Once a team has taken possession of the ball they have 24 seconds to shoot. If they fail to take possession, the ball is given to the opposing team.

Rule 8

A player who has the ball in their half (or ‘backcourt”) has 8 seconds to move it over the halfway line and into the frontcourt’. They will lose possession if they don’t.

5-second rule

The ball is held by a closely guarded player. They have 5 seconds to pass the ball or move it towards the hoop. The ball is handed to the opposing team when called.

Rule #3

For 3 seconds, a player cannot be within the rectangular ‘key” area of the opponent’s basket. If the player doesn’t leave within 3 seconds, a foul will be called.

There are many types of basketball infractions

For infringing or fouling another player on the basketball court, a penalty can be applied. This could include losing possession or a ‘free throw’.

  • Personal foul – when there is illegal body contact between opposing players. Examples include blocking, charging, holding, pushing, guarding, blocking, illegal screening, hand-checking, hand checking and hand pressing. Personal fouls can result in a player receiving free throws or the team losing possession.
  • Charging — is the term used by the official to indicate that an attacking player who moves with the ball directly into a defender.
  • Blocking — A defensive player cannot block a dribbling opponent unless the defender has adopted a legal guarding position.
  • Holding – This is when an opponent is stopped from moving.
  • Illegal Guarding — When a defending player bumps into a opponent from behind.
  • Pushing This is just as it sounds and can be used even if a player doesn’t have the ball.
  • Illegal screening An attempt to slow down an opponent without the ball.
  • Hand Checking — When a defender player uses their hands in order to grab or slow down an opponent.
  • Illegal use of hand — when an opponent makes contact with the ball while they are trying to release it.
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There are other types of basketball infringement:

  • Technical foul — These are given against any coach or player for unsportsmanlike conduct, such as swearing or arguing in front of a referee. This results in at least one free throw, and the possession of the ball. Two technical fouls are a penalty for a coach or player.
  • Persistent fouling This can result in a player being kicked out of the game. A player who commits five fouls must be removed from the game immediately, but they can be replaced.
  • Team foul — This is when a team commits five fouls in any given period. Two free throws are awarded to the opposing team.
  • Violation — A violation of the rules includes an illegal dribble, or the failure to release the ball within the time limits. The opposition is in possession.
  • Backcourt violation – An attacking player with the ball must not cross over the halfway line after advancing the ball beyond the line.

Scores in basketball

These are the components of the scoring and points system for basketball:

The position of the player who releases the ball determines the number of points.

  • A basket scored from beyond the three-point mark (3pts). This is the highest possible number of points.
  • Within the 3-point line (2pts). Any basket that is within the line earns you two points.
  • One point is a free throw (1.0pt) — A free throw from the line at free-throw is worth one point. After a foul by an opponent, it is an unchallenged shot to the basket.

There are many types of basketball shots:

  • Jump shot — is a shot that’s performed while jumping in air. The ball is released at its highest point above the ground. This is used often to shoot over a defender who is trying to block it.
  • Layup — A shot in which a player takes the ball to the basket and rolls it into the basket.
  • Bank shot — A shot in which the ball touches a backboard before hitting the hoop.
  • Jam (or ) – A player who slams the ball in the basket by jumping into midair.
  • Hook shot — A one-handed shot in which the shooter faces sideways towards the hoop, arcing the ball to score over the defending player.
  • Free throw A free shot taken from the foul-line as a result of a foul.
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